Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Keep Still and Light Your Subject Properly

Here I am going to start tips and tricks to make you phone-o-graphy skill better

First of all, you must need to be calm and static…keep yourself, still and don’t vibrate with camera, otherwise you will get a blurry image. As with all digital photography, the steady your camera phone is when taking your shot the clearer your image will be. This is especially important in low light situations where the camera will select longer shutter speeds to compensate for the lack of light. One trick is to lean your camera phone (or the hand holding it) against a solid object (like a tree, wall, ledge) when taking shots. Keep in mind that many camera phones also suffer from ’shutter lag’ (ie the time between when you press the shutter and when the camera takes the shot can be a second or so). This means you need to hold the camera still a little longer to ensure it doesn’t take a shot as you’re lowering it away from the subject. The better lit your subject is the clearer your image is likely to be. If possible shoot outside or turn on lights when shooting inside. If you’re turning on lights in a room to add extra light to your shot be aware that artificial light impacts the color cast in your shots and you might want to experiment with white balance to fix it. Some cameras come with a built in flash or light – this can really lift a shot and add clarity to it, even if you’re shooting outside. If your camera doesn’t have a flash or light you should avoid shooting into bright lights as you’ll end up with subjects that are silhouetted.

Here are some pics showing my Phone-o-graphy illustration.

This pic is taken in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, in the boarder area, it is the control line region Goee near Tatta Pani. In the rainy season of 2010.

This pic is taken at the same location.

Water flowing in Kashmir in raining season.

Sunset in Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashnmir. The pic is also showing the flow of River Punch.

Sunset in Head Qadarabad, District Hafizabad and the pic is showing off River Chinab.

This is an old rest house at Head Qadarabad and is not in use these days.

This pic is taken at a Motarway stop Chuntara near Hafizabad. I visit this spot most frequently with my friends Shahid and Wasim.


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